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 QFRMBRICKS Releases New Single “LOSSES”

One thing we know a lot about is good music, and Poughkeepsie, NY Hip-Hop artist QFRMBRICKS is delivering just that with his latest single “LOSSES”.

We’ve been following QFRMBRICKS rise in the music industry, and his consistency stands out tremendously. QFRMBRICKS is laying the foundation, and building toward something greater for himself, as well as his city.

With his record “LOSSES”, QFRMBRICKS speaks on the pain and reality of losing friends to the game as he continues to fight for success. In life, we may face challenges/ LOSSES on a daily basis, but the goal is to keep striving for more.

Take a moment and listen to QFRMBRICKS new record “LOSSES” above. Follow QFRMBRICKS on social media.

Stay tuned to for all your Hip-Hop news. Follow @eldorado2452 and @theseurbantimes on twitter and instagram for all your Hip-Hop updates.

Terrell Thomas, Founder + CEO of These Urban Times, is a journalist, activist, and sports historian. He has worked with some of the largest brands in sports, entertainment, and tv/film. He lives in Atlanta, GA with his wife and two children.

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