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The Atlanta Hawks Released a Statement on the Passing of Henry “Hank” Aaron

The Atlanta Hawks released the following statement on the passing of MLB and Atlanta Braves legend Hank Aaron:

“The Atlanta Hawks organization is deeply saddened by the passing of Atlanta Braves legend Henry “Hank” Aaron. His greatness transcended sports. “Hammerin’ Hank” was the epitome of class and grace, breaking barriers and records with the swing of his bat.

In an interview, Hank once said baseball was not about breaking records but simply playing to the best of one’s potential. We are thankful that Hank not only played but that he lived to the best of his potential, leaving an example for our city and the world to follow.

We send our heartfelt condolences to his family, the Braves organization and the entire sports world.”

Many Hank Aaron rest in peace.

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Terrell Thomas, Founder + CEO of These Urban Times, is a journalist, activist, and sports historian. He has worked with some of the largest brands in sports, entertainment, and tv/film. He lives in Atlanta, GA with his wife and two children.

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