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Maximilian Prescott Releases New Project ‘When 2 Worlds Collide’ (Hosted By DJ Chill Will)

R&B Music artist Maximilian Prescott is on a musical journey to become one of the greatest to ever do it.

As he continues to perfect his craft, and introduce the world to his unique sound, Maximilian Prescott has recently teamed up with DJ Chill Will for a new project entitled “When 2 Worlds Collide”. This blend of R&B and Hip-Hop also features music artist Gutta Da G.

Maximilian Prescott has 7 records on this 14 track project, including “Do You” and “Love And War”, which both feature Azonte.

“When 2 Worlds Collide” stream

Take a moment and stream Maximilian Prescott’s new project “When 2 World Collide” hosted by DJ Chill Will above.

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Terrell Thomas, Founder + CEO of These Urban Times, is a journalist, activist, and sports historian. He has worked with some of the largest brands in sports, entertainment, and tv/film. He lives in Atlanta, GA with his wife and two children.

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